Rotary Billericay Town

July 2023 - Summerfest & Jazz in the Park

Charter Night Dinner at the Magic Mushroom, where Kevin Smith handed over the presidency to Brian Pratt.

June 2023 - Charter Night Dinner

Charter Night Dinner at the Magic Mushroom, where Kevin Smith handed over the presidency to Brian Pratt.

June 2023 - Who's Wine is it Anyway?

We hosted a successful wine tasting quiz last night at the Chantry Centre. 47 guests had the chance to pit their wine knowledge up against a panel of experts. Everyone had a good time, lots of laughter and wine. Importantly we raised around £500 to benefit a local charity “Every Child Online” who supply computers to both schools and individual pupils, allowing access online learning at home. Thank you for everyone’s support and hard work. 

May 2023 - London Walk

A walk along the Embankment with local guide Jim McSharry, who provided an interesting and enlightening talk about the various monuments and statutes.

April 2023 - Billericay Town Soapbox Entry - Forward to the Past

April 2023 - Hackers Club and Golf Evening

Hackers 05
Hackers 04
Hackers 08
Hackers 01
Hackers 06
Hackers 07
Hackers 03
Hackers 02

A few photos from our very enjoyable crazy golf evening and thank you very much to Brian for all the arrangements.

February 2023 - Building Bird Boxes - EWT Hanningfield Reservoir

EWT 06

Building bird boxes at Essex Wildlife Trust Workshop Hanningfield Reservoir

February 2023 - Meal at Layalina, Billericay

Members enjoying a meal at Layalina,
Billericay High Street.

December 2022 - Monthly Meeting and Christmas Social Event

Our after December meeting snacks and drinks.

November 2022 - Jingle & Mingle

Enjoying afternoon tea and raising funds for the charity Changing Pathways.

November 2022 - Remembrance Sunday

Kevin laid a wreath on behalf of
RCBT at the Billericay
Remembrance Sunday service.

Photos courtesy  Peter Greene

November 2022 - World Polio Day

World Polio 3
World Polio 2
World Polio 1

To mark World Polio Day we ran a book swap event.
Over some glasses of prosecco & beer we raised over £400 for END POLIO NOW.

October 2022 - Crocus Planting to help end Polio Now

Crocuses 2022

Our members visited South Green School. A thousand purple flowering crocus bulbs were planted.
The children were a delight and very engaged with what we were doing.
We did an assembly presentation to 240 juniors, raising awareness of polio, providing education and improving the environment.

September 2022 - Mill Meadows Fayre

MM Photo 6

Photographs courtsey of Paul Sillence, Photofold Camera Club

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