Rotary Billericay Town

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Billericay Town

Group photo at Rugby Club before September meeting

President's Introduction

My Name is Brian Pratt and I will be the president of Billericay Town Rotary until June 2025.

I have been a Rotarian for four years.  I joined the club to give back something to our community, both here in Billericay and in the wider world.

Our club is not organised on traditional Rotary lines, we do not meet every week with a meal, we have a high proportion of women members and we try to keep administration and formality at arm’s length.  Apart from all this what attracted me to the Billericay Town club was the sense of fun and friendship, helping others doesn’t preclude having a good time in good company. Many of our fun raising activities have a social part to them but we organise many events purely for our own entertainment.

We meet at Billericay Rugby Club on Stock Road at 8pm on the first Wednesday of each month.  Our monthly subscription is £12.  We have around 30 members of a mix of ages from 30 upwards. We have an outside speaker at each meeting, usually connected to a local or international charity.

One of the main aims of Rotary world-wide is to bring hope to communities.  Whilst we support various hope giving local charities such as the Foodbank,
Kool Carers and St Luke’s Hospice, we also have an International dimension.  We are helping to bring running water and sanitation to a village in Uganda.
In these post Covid times we are also focussing on the mental health of our community, particularly children.

Rotary is an organisation of people of action, Billericay Town Rotary is playing its full part.  If you would like to play a part by joining us please either email our Secretary Nick at, or complete the enquiry form on our “Contact Us” page,

Brian Pratt
President 2023/25

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